Beef, Roman-Jewish Style

Course : Italian
Serves: 6


2 pounds boneless beef pot roast -- cut into 1 inch cubes
4 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic -- chopped fine
1 teaspoon salt -- to taste
1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper -- to taste
1/2 cup beef soup stock -- fresh or canned
1/2 cup dry red wine
2 cups Italian tomato sauce -- see * note


* Note: See the "Italian Tomato Sauce" recipe which is included in this collection. In a large frying pan brown the meat pieces very well in the olive oil and garlic. You may have to do this in two or three batches. See hint below. Place the meat in a suitable stove-top covered casserole and add the remaining ingredients. Simmer, covered, until the meat is very tender, about 2 hours. You may have to add some water to the pot now and then. Do not let this dish dry out. This can be served in a bowl with a great deal of bread or with pasta. This recipe serves 6. Hint: When browning meats use a very heavy frying pan and small batches of meat. If you put all the meat in a thin pan at once the little heat available in the thin metal of the pan will be absorbed quickly and you cannot sear the meat, only slowly cook it, thus toughening the meat. Proper browning means that you sear the meat quickly, thus sealing in the flavorful juices and coloring the natural sugar that is in the meat. Comments: The Jewish ghetto in Rome, a place you must visit, still has a few restaurants that serve food that has been typical of these people for the last few hundred years. You will find kosher bakers and kosher butchers. And you will find a few dishes like this one.